INFLATION- it has become threatening issue now a days
Everywhere there is a raise in price ..
Rich people can afford, but what the poor can do?
Even the middle class can manage somehow...(though it is tuff only).
Even the middle class can manage somehow...(though it is tuff only).
Right from safety pin to sophisticated cars the price has shoot up .
How to stop or saturate this inflation level?
Management professionals say" it s scathe to the country if the inflation rate cross 10%., but the tv channels show that the current rate fluctuates from 10-13%.
Everyone can reason that inflation has occurred due to so many reasons like"
1.the slow down in US market
2.insufficient resources
Aah! it occurred .!!
Aah! it occurred .!!
Now v can only think about how to saturate it?
What can b done to stop it?
Who s going to elicit the solution? THE GOVT? never!!!
Becoz the govt even raised the ticket prices (in name of delux buses).
Actually who wants such delux or air conditioned buses? .
If the basic needs of human is hard to get, then how can v survive?
Later if some suicidal attempts occur somewhere due to inflation, the govt 'll arrange for "kanji thotti " to fee d the poor across villages.
Survival has become tougher now a days..
"Rich getting richer n poor becoming poorer".
If this inflation rate increase n prevails, then the rich 'll also become poor one day.